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Recommendation 11: Establish a dedicated division to drive reform

The recommendation

Ambulance Victoria should, within three months of the publication of Volume II of the final report, establish a centralised, dedicated division that:

  1. drives and coordinates implementation of the Commission’s recommendations
  2. reports to an Executive Director and is directly accountable to the Chief Executive Officer
  3. is comprised of subject matter experts with skills and expertise in equal opportunity issues (including discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and victimisation) as well as diversity and inclusion strategies, employee engagement and large-scale organisational change and project management.

What we are doing

  • Design, consult on and seek approval of proposed structure and roles and recruit and onboard staff
  • Develop operating model and engagement channels, and develop and implement transition plan for relevant work

Where we are up to


  • In early 2022, AV created a new division, known as Equality & Workplace Reform, to lead and coordinate efforts to create a safe, fair and inclusive organisation for our people and our patients. This division is responsible for leading the implementation of the reforms recommended by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, among other work.
  • The inaugural Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform started on 23 March 2022. Following consultation on the division’s structure and an external recruitment campaign modelling conscious inclusion (R27), other divisional staff started to onboard from mid-August 2022. Most staff will have started by October 2022, which will enable AV to progress implementation of reforms to create a safe, fair and inclusive organisation.
  • AV is reviewing the conscious inclusion approach used during its recruitment campaign to identify lessons learned, which we will apply when implementing R27 (Prioritising conscious inclusion throughout the recruitment lifecycle).
  • AV has developed multiple engagement channels that enable us to share information and receive feedback on the work of the division and the Your AV program of work. Examples include monthly Executive Director email updates, a dedicated group on Workplace(AV’s internal social media platform), a dedicated email address to contact Staff Reference Group members, an anonymous feedback form and regular updates via All Staff and Volunteer Forums.
  • AV continues to refine an operating model for the division and is progressively transitioning relevant work to the division as new staff come onboard.


  • In early 2022, AV created a new division, known as Equality & Workplace Reform, to lead and coordinate efforts to create a safe, fair and inclusive organisation for our people and our patients. This includes work to implement the reforms recommended by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission.
  • The inaugural Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform started at AV on 23 March 2022. Following consultation with the workforce, the unions and key partners, the (then) Interim CEO approved the organisational structure for the new division in late May. With union endorsement, advertisement of seven priority roles began during the consultation period (from 19 May) to enable AV to recruit to senior and specialist roles to allow critical implementation work to begin as soon as practicable. Applications for all other roles closed in early-to-mid July, with recruitment now in its final stages.
  • Successful candidates will begin to come onboard from mid-August 2022, which will enable AV to progress implementation reforms to create a safe, fair and inclusive organisation.


FY23 Q2

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