Our Research
Research is integral to Ambulance Victoria achieving its vision of improving the health of our community. Ambulance Victoria offers a unique opportunity to undertake research in the pre-hospital environment, conducting clinical and operational research with the aim of improving patient care and outcomes.
The Centre for Research and Evaluation is responsible for research governance, research project initiation, supervision, monitoring and publishing. Core functions of the Centre include:
- Research governance and promotion
- In house research and research program development
- Research liaison, advice and coordination
- Establishment of research partnerships
- Securing research funding
- Project evaluation and analysis
- Development of clinical performance indicators
- Provision of data to Clinical Quality Registries and Clinical Trials
Research Publications Clinical Quality Registries And Clinical Trials
Applications for Research
Ambulance Victoria supports all types of research where the benefits outweigh the associated risks. Participation in current and future research projects is governed via our research governance process. All applications must comply with the Research Application Guidelines.

- Individuals considering the development of research proposals are requested to contact the Centre for Research and Evaluation to discuss their proposed project and request a Research Application Form. This will assist in research design and help to reduce delays in the application process.
- All project applications will be reviewed and subject to approval by the Ambulance Victoria Research Committee and, in some circumstances, the Ambulance Victoria Executive. Comments and opinions from external sources may also be considered. The Research Committee meets quarterly. Committee meeting dates can be obtained by emailing the Centre for Research and Evaluation.