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Recommendation 23: Supporting the effective delivery of reporting and complaint reforms


The recommendation

Ambulance Victoria should establish an Expert Advisory Group to:

  1. provide advice and support on the implementation of reforms to its report and complaint system, including key developments such as establishing self-resolution and informal reporting processes
  2. support the development of revised procedures and processes to ensure their continued alignment and with leading practice
  3. be comprised of subject matter experts in complaint handling, unlawful conduct and/or restorative practices, as well as nominated representatives from relevant unions and the workforce.

What we are doing

  • Establish Terms of Reference and operating model for an Expert Advisory Group, identify and invite members, convene regular meetings and regularly communicate meeting outcomes

Where we are up to


Ambulance Victoria undertook an agile approach to the design and implementation of the new report and complaint system, engaging with experts on an individual basis. This approach meant we could use our internal resources and still obtain contemporary advice and guidance at pace. For this reason, Ambulance Victoria considered that a stand-alone Expert Advisory Group was not required for reporting and complaints.

Over the past 12 months, AV has engaged with lawyers and independent subject matter experts, who have provided advice and support on the implementation of reforms to its report and complaint system. The breadth of expertise of the independent experts included complaint handling, unlawful conduct, restorative practices, process design, workplace and equality law, and implementation of large-scale workplace reforms. Independent experts conducted a detailed review of current practices and processes, highlighting key areas for improvement, and informed the revision of our complaints and investigation procedures and processes to align with best practice.

AV obtained advice, support, and critical analysis of our implementation efforts from union and workforce representatives, leading experts in the health sector, and key Victorian Government stakeholders, through our engagement with the Equality and Workplace Reform Steering Committee. In addition, the AV Staff Reference Group, provided input and guidance on implementation.


Ambulance Victoria has engaged with a range of lawyers and independent experts, including the Equality & Workplace Reform Steering Committee, to support the design and development of the report and complaints operating model. AV is considering how to further engage with experts to support a post-implementation review of the Professional Standards and Behaviours Department and operating model over the next six to 12 months. This will enable AV to build on its leading practice approach to effectively respond to reports and complaints and continually improve.


  • Ambulance Victoria has advanced the design of its Expert Advisory Group and identified potential experts to join the group, to support the design, development and implementation of the Professional Standards & Behaviours Department. We are considering how such a group might best support the complaints reforms at this stage of the process.


  • AV has progressed work on a draft Terms of Reference and a proposed operating model for an Expert Advisory Group, which will provide expert advice to support the creation of a victim-centred and fair report and complaint system.
  • AV has begun to identify potential experts with the specialist capabilities needed for an effective Expert Advisory Group.


Q2 FY24

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