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Recommendation 5(a): The critical role of unions and professional associations in prevention

The recommendation

  1. Ambulance Victoria should work together with Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria, Professionals Australia, the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated and other relevant unions and professional associations to enable them to inform their respective members of the organisation’s response to the key findings and recommendations in this final report
  2. Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria, Professionals Australia, the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated and other relevant unions and professional associations should:
    1. seek regular opportunities to reiterate their commitment to workplace equality, including through their continued support of the Independent review into workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria
    2. ensure their staff receive regular training on the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and related laws, so that they can best advise their respective members on their rights and responsibilities
    3. seek regular opportunities to inform their respective members about where they can access information and support about their rights and responsibilities under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and related laws.

What we are doing

What we are doing to implement Recommendation 5(a)

  • Share upcoming key events and communications and afford opportunities to input, and share information regarding implementation progress and the current state of workplace equality
  • Participate in union and professional association forums, upon request

Where we are up to


Progress against Recommendation 5(a): Ambulance Victoria

  • On 28 July 2022, AV released Safe Fair Inclusive: Your AV Roadmap 2022-27 – our official response to the final report of the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission and AV’s roadmap to create a safe, fair and inclusive organisation. This followed consultation with the workforce and key partners, including the various unions and professional associations.
  • Among other things, the roadmap describes our vision for a safe, fair and inclusive organisation, the case for change, our priorities for action and the sequencing of work to achieve this vision, and the governance framework to ensure effective delivery of the reforms. AV later shared the roadmap with the various unions and professional associations to enable them to inform their respective members of the organisation’s response to the key findings and recommendations in this final report.
  • AV continues to work with the unions and professional associations to keep them informed of our response to the recommendations. On 28 July 2022, AV published a recommendation tracker on our public website to track our progress in implementing the reforms recommended by the Commission. This webpage will further facilitate the ability of the unions and professional associations to disseminate information about the findings and recommendations, and our progress in implementing the reforms. The Ambulance Employees Australia – Victoria (AEAV), Professionals Australia / Ambulance Managers and Professionals Association (PA/AMPA) and the Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU) are also informed of, and can input into, AV’s implementation activities via their membership on the Equality & Workplace Reform Steering Committee. Other activities to enable the unions and professional associations to inform their respective members of AV’s implementation activities include via regular engagement with the Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform.
  • On 26 May 2022, the Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform presented to an AMPA / Professionals Australia ‘equality and inclusion forum’, together with the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission. During this session, the Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform presented on an early draft of the Your AV roadmap and updated AMPA / PA members on the status of implementation activities.


Progress against Recommendation 5(a): Ambulance Victoria

  • AV continues to work with the unions and professional associations to keep them informed of our response to the recommendations, including through joint briefings with VEOHRC on Volume 2 of the final report, their participation on the Equality & Workplace Reform Steering Committee and engagement via the Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform.
  • AV has shared with the unions the cadence of our regular communications on creating a safe, fair and inclusive organisation, to facilitate further opportunities for input and dissemination, and will continue to share updated information.
  • On 28 July 2022, AV will publish a page on our external website to track our progress in implementing the reforms recommended by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission. This webpage will further facilitate the ability of the unions and professional associations to disseminate information about the findings and recommendations, and our progress in implementing the reforms.
  • On 26 May 2022, the Executive Director, Equality & Workplace Reform presented to an AMPA / Professionals Australia ‘equality and inclusion forum’, together with the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission.


FY23 Q2

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